RE Teaching and Learning

R.E Curriculum Vision

Our Christian vision is defined as “Learning and Growing Together in Faith, Hope and Love.” These three virtues are not only important in Christian discipleship; they are also important to how we live our lives at Parish CE Primary School. These values give us strong links to our PAST, as well as acting as a reminder of what is most important to us in the PRESENT and forming a basis for how we want to help the children in our care to learn and grow in the FUTURE. They also connect our school ethos to the wider Church of England vision for education enabling all members of our school community to truly flourish.

At Parish CE Primary School, Religious Education (R.E) plays an important role, along with all other curriculum areas in promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children. As a result of our bespoke RE curriculum, we endeavour for our children to become well-rounded individuals with respect and appreciation for religion, beliefs and morals – both their own and that of others, creating a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it.

We want children to understand Christianity as a global, multi-cultural faith and to understand God’s Salvation Plan (the Big Story), including the big ideas (or concepts) in Christianity. This complements our balanced and relevant teachings of a wide range of World Faiths.

Our children will be encouraged to become courageous advocates and champion causes which are special and meaningful to them, be it global issues or matters far more personal and closer to home.

Through strengthening children’s understanding of our Christian Values, we aim to empower children to make positive choices and develop themselves as unique, confident and compassionate individuals who are “Learning and Growing Together in Faith, Hope and Love.”

What are the ‘Words of Wisdom’ from scripture that inspire our RE teaching?

These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).


The intent of our Religious Education curriculum is for all of our pupils to acquire and develop a deepening knowledge and understanding of global Christianity, alongside the principal World Religions that are represented throughout our multi-cultural world and school. Our core religious teaching encourages pupils to develop positive attitudes to all aspects of their learning and also to enhance their personal spiritual, moral, social and cultural development—thus providing our learners with the wisdom, knowledge and skills to be a functioning member of society. These attitudes include self-awareness, respect, open-mindedness and appreciation and wonder.

Our bespoke curriculum utilises the Questful RE scheme of work (from the Blackburn Diocese) which ensures that our RE curriculum is progressive and well sequenced to build on prior learning. Complementing resources from Understanding Christianity, the RE long term plan highlights the World Religions to be taught, with each year group receiving a workshop or visiting a different place of worship (part of our 'Pots of Gold' experiences) to support the teaching of world religions each academic year.

A key feature of our curriculum is the large number of questions included in each unit, nurturing our children’s curiosity around the impact of religion within their lives. The purpose of these ‘big questions’ is to give pupils the opportunity to investigate, reflect, evaluate and make meaning. In doing so, they will discover more about themselves, their relationships with others, their relationship with the world around them and their relationship with God.

Through our RE teaching, we also prepare children for citizenship in today’s diverse and Globally connected world thus enabling our children to celebrate difference and diversity by developing ways to show respect for others. Our curriculum also has extensive opportunities for spoken activities as we endeavour for our children to truly become articulate learners and advocates for change.

In our teaching of Religious Education (R.E.), we are always striving for excellence, reflecting the school’s distinctly Christian character. Parish CE Primary School is a Voluntary Aided School and as such the management of Religious Education is a distinctive role of the Governors and Head Teacher.  At Parish Church of England Primary School, the Religious Education provided conforms with the rites, practices and doctrines of the Church of England as laid down in the Trust Deed.

 Parental Rights of Withdrawal in a Voluntary Aided School.

In our teaching of Religious Education (R.E.) , we are always striving for excellence, reflecting the school’s distinctive Christian character.

Parish CE Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Schools and as such the management of Religious Education is a distinctive role of the Governors and Head Teacher. At Parish Church of England Primary School the Religious Education provided is in conformity with the rites, practices and doctrines of the Church of England as laid down in the Trust Deed.







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