Parish University

About the Parish University

The Parish University is a really exciting new initiative for 2015-16! Already we have almost 50 students who have joined us. We want our pupils to believe in themselves, to have ambition and be the best they can be!

At Parish we are proud of the academic achievements of our pupils - typically our pupils are amongst the most able at secondary school; over the past few years, we have even had pupils gain prestigious scholarships to study at private colleges. Our standards are high.

With this in mind, we would like our many able pupils to consider university as a possible future career option. We believe that in the classes at Parish we have future doctors, vets, engineers, teachers – in fact, the list goes on. We may even have a future Prime Minister in our ranks!

The ‘Parish University’ actively seeks to promote a self-belief that if you want to go to university and you are intelligent, work hard and are resilient - you can succeed. (In saying this, we know  that higher education is not the only pathway to success, and many career options demand a different route).

 Ambitions are set at an early age, we are determined that pupils have the will to succeed and believe in themselves.