Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Duggan


Welcome to Reception!

Miss Duggan,  Mrs Longworth, Mrs Casey and Mrs Morgan are excited about the year of fun and learning ahead in Reception. We will make sure we keep this page updated with news, photos and top tips for you to share with your child as the year progresses. We will also provide regular updates to resources that may support learning taking place at home. 

Keep up to date with our class progress on Twitter too, by following @parishschool1 and @MissDugganEYFS. 

Key Information:

Below is the ' Reception Meet the Teacher Booklet'. This contains all of the key information that you may need about attendance, uniform, our  Curriculum, home study and things to look forward to in Reception. If you have any further queries about the information, please email to speak to Miss Duggan directly or for any confidential matters. 

Our Curriculum:

In the file 'Reception Curriculum Overview', you are able to find all of the exciting learning that will take place in Reception this year. Topics change each half-term and armay be adaped based on children's interests. In addition to this, subject disciplines are woven into topic planning as well as continuous provision to prepare children for the next stage in their learning. 

Our learning this half-term can be found below in our 'Knowledge Organiser' which provides additional information and specific detail of what we are learning in any particular half term. To support this learning we have included some other documentation and videos which may be helpful. 

Home Study  Guidance:

The file 'Phase 1 Study Buddy' found below, provides some activites that can be used to complete home study at home. Teachers will also provide additional guidance in their home-school diary. This will be set each Friday by the class teacher and should be completed alongside reading, learning phonics, and Numbots on a weekly basis. 

Home Study Resources:

Resources found below to support home learning include:

- Red words

- Read Write Inc Set 1 sounds

- Handwriting phrases

Some useful learning links can be find below. Children have access to log ins for TTRS and in their home-school diary. 







Click on the link below for some Read Write Inc. books.  This is a great resources when you need some extra reading!





Files to Download